Inside Data World

This course will be your perfect entry into the data world and understands all the many complex jargons and their implementations

Package Info

Event Single


We will start from beginning of data journey which was from early 2000 where RDBMS and ETL were ruling the world. We will move to Big data and then understands its complexities and then jump over the modern data platform implementations which includes Data Mesh and Data Fabric


Introduction to Data Landscape

Understand high level data data implementations through real case studies

1) RDBMS based DWH Implementation

2) Data Lake Implementation

Traditional DWH & Data Modelling

We will learn the core concepts of DWH and Data modelling through case studies

1) DWH, Data Mart & EDW

2) Data Modelling

3) 3NF & Dimensional Data modelling


Learn the ETL architecture and cover the following

1) Batch load ETL

2) File based ETL

3) Database extraction

4) Transformations

5) Loading


Master Data Management

Learn the Master data, and MDM concepts by going through use cases

1) Data Steward job

2) Merge and matching

Data Governance, Data Quality & Metadata

Learn the governance side of data platforms by going though the following concepts

1) Data Governance principles

2) Data Quality rules

3) Metadata implementations

Data Lake

Move over to next generation of data platform by understanding the big data world

1) Architecture


3) Hive

4) Sqoop

Real time processing

Learn the real time implementations architecture using Kafka and its components

1) Core Kafka

2) Kakfa connectors

3) KStream


Data Lake processing

Understands the jargons of data lake processing using Spark

1) Basic of Python

2) Spark using Python

3) Spark using Scala

Modern Data Architecture

Understand data3.0 world and how it is redefining the world of data platforms

1) Data Mesh

2) Data Fabric

3) The Future

Data on Cloud

Learn how cloud architecture is making differences to data world

1) Data on Azure

2) Data on AWS

Inside Data World
